Tuesday, July 6, 2010

baby therapy

Well, today is a new day. I surprisingly already have a sense of calm and peace. I took care of a few things last night and made some decisions that I hope will keep me on this new path I've decided to follow.

The termite guy just showed up and told me that I am free and clear of any termites in the house. It's always nice to know that your house isn't being eaten alive by tiny bugs.

Plans for today? Well, Kay is in town and I think I will be going to see her at some point today. But first, I have to go get me some baby therapy. There's nothing quite as calming and can make you feel good as holding a little baby. Plus, I apparently have to have a talk with my little "niece" about normal sleep schedules and the meaning of the term, "beauty sleep". (It is never too early to start, you know.)

Then I do believe I have a phone date with one, Ms. Felicia, who recently moved away and whom I miss terribly.

It's going to be a busy, busy day off!


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