Thursday, July 22, 2010


I'm so frustrated. I have been doing so well in the health department lately. I haven't been sick or even warning signs of sick the past several months. For those of you who know me, that's quite an accomplishment.

I woke up this morning, I had coffee and a muffin for breakfast. I went to work and started feeling really odd. My stomach was hurting so bad! It was weird! I had a decent breakfast!

I started to get hungry so I went to lunch. I had pb&j, (single serving) potato chips, and a soda. I felt lots better so I went back to work. My stomach started to hurt again! I was very confused.

I got off work today and I was so sore! I'm usually sore after work, so I didn't hink anything of it. I just went home, sat down and tried to relax. But a couple hours later, I wasn't feeling relaxed, I was feeling more achey than sore! So I had some dinner and then tried to lay down. That didn't help either. Now I have aches, a headache, and I am having a really hard time focusing.

I really hope that I'm just over tired. I'd hate to get sick right now when I'm up for a promotion again. :(


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